mirrors facing doors spirits

what can I do if this is not good? Hi Denise, If I were you, I wouldnt place the mirror, even if it doesnt face the kitchen stove. Having a mirror facing your bed can be good or bad. I want to place a large arch window mirror in my hallway halfway up the stairs. -Victor. Could it have something to do with the home I live in my natural father died in this house when I was 5 yrs old? What would you recommend? Although this isn't a creepy superstition, it's still an interesting old wives tale to think about. Hi Victor, We have a large, round decorative mirror above our tv in the living room (NW). To sustain good energies that help increase wealth, any kind of businessman can . Others say that it can bring a third party to your relationship and even tendencies of soul-stealing. If it doesnt spook you, its good. You are special dont ever doubt yourself. Anyhow, subscribe to blog and youll get my email. Reflect the light. I am planning to put a mirror in my dining room that faces my neighbours back Door which they have put screening in front so they cannot see directly into our room . Another question. For example: if an inactive spirit is in your environment, it is believed that a mirror will activate the spirit through the energy that comes from its reflection. When we come out of front door, we face the garage wall of our neighbor ( West facing home). The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . Putting a mirror in front of your bedroom door, facing outwards, is not necessarily a bad thing. If it really bothers you, talk to your neighbor about it and work something out! Convex mirrors are said to reflect and redirect those negative Qi away. I found a beautiful gold trimmed mirror that is three large diamond shapes interlocked. Hi, my dining area is small and I intend to install a mirror there but this will face our main door. I have 10 stairs that lead to the first landing ( straight stairs, which do not curve in any way). -Victor. but after reading more about Feng Shui.. it seems i did mistake.. My haunted ex-boyfriend dropped in wearing a black hooded cape and just tapped his fingers on my dresser. A mirror in the trial room should be in the east or north wall. Heres more info for your reference: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/two-mirrors-facing-each-other-bathroom/ -Victor. A question. Hi Amie, Yes, this shouldnt be problem without considering other factors. -Victor. 2. hello Victor, I have a dresser mirror facing my bedroom door, I cant move it anywhere else. -Victor. I thought of placing a mirror on north side facing windows with reflection of beautiful nature. However, there are Bagua mirrors that use the Later Heaven Sequence. Seven Years Bad Luck Perhaps the most well-known mirror myth, the belief that breaking a mirror would bring you seven years bad luck dates back to the ancient Romans. When looking inside this mirror, you have a greater vision of your surroundings. Hi Pam, Yep, both are fine. Appreciate your advice. Or is the big dinner a few times a year enough? Hi A. Shin, The practice of using Feng Shui Bagua mirrors is to reflect negative Qi (Xa), in nature/landscape/construction FORM outside the front door. However, if you need to get rid of some negative energy incoming from next-door, a great solution is a Rooster Chime and/or bells facing your neighbor's house. Great article and well written! Feng Shui is a new concept for me and I am fascinated by it. There is a history as to why mirrors and water started as the portals. Others have said that the Qi would enter the house but would somehow be stuck there (and not circulate into the house for the benefit of the resident). Im an artist, a painter, and I have a room in my apartment that is dedicated as my art studio. Thanks for the compliment and Im glad you like this site! Thanks in advance! -Victor. I have written a whole article about this and you canread it here. On the west wall, there are two windows, and on the south wall, right near the east wall, there is a door. Youre fine as long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect the kitchen stove. I have no job because I have lower back problems but SSI and/disability doesnt think its a problem. I got up and closed the bathroom door and went back to sleep. This is why anyone serious about the placement of their bedroom . If theres no space, try to find a smaller mirror so that it fits. I believe that Feng Shui contained ancient wisdom, not voodoo magic. Is this a bad placement for the mirror? Hi Victor, thank you for your great work! Under later analysis the image in the mirror showed a woman in an old style dress coming down an ornate staircase, two open doors with a tall man in a black suit stood in this doorway with his back to the scene and a small child with a toy or doll looking up at him. Hi Eve, I would suggest forgetting about a mirror there just because its at the end of a walkway (from the stairs). My house is an open floor plan. This means it can be amplified into creating negative energy. Exposing yourself to too much light at the night will trigger a sense of restlessness, which will lead to nightmares while sleeping. Best not to use it because of the presence of kitchen. Hi Terri, I have not heard of that rule no mirror on South wall. Technically, the mirror will face the window but its like 3 rooms length away. Of I place a mirror here (to face the front door from outside) will the reflect/return out flowing good qi back into the apartment??? Whether the concrete right angle affects you depends on several factors as well (distance, where it goes to your house/front/back etc.). Therefore, spirits from the spiritual realm will come into your room because of the mirror. Can a mirror be customed designed for a entire wall? However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. Is that cool ! Amplifying negative energy is not a good idea, even if it can be used to suppress other negative energies. (I usually make a circle around the entire structure).Most of the time these portals are Outside of the building, but mirrors facing doors and windows, can open these . Hi Denise, Yes, this is permissible. A mirror was placed at the dining area. In Cambridge, an 1800's men's shoe buckle was found hanging on the wall. Or, you can try putting something else other than the mirror in the path. Convex Bagua Mirrors Reflect Negative Qi Away, 20. Placing a mirror in a window at the outside is good? That said, there are sayings that you should place a mirror so you can see the door when you sit on your desk. Should I be removing all of my mirrors? Thank you. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Mirror wont face the front door but it will face the door leading to the small hallway. I know about their deaths before anyone knows. My front door leads straight into my living room (no corridor); I have one mirror placed next to it and it faces the opposite wall only some artwork is hanging there. It faces our outdoor seating area. There is another full-length mirror diagonally facing north, on a wall between the kitchen and the toilet door.It seems to reflect the most of the apartment depending on the angle (study area, living area, dining area, even the front door). There is no wall for my long sofa, its (floating). When the mirrors are installed correctly, a player who wants to summon a ghost will put his/her left palm on the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. -Victor. Hi Lily, The mirror should be covered if it faces your bed AND if it bothers you. These objects include metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums, and glass surface of televisions. If placing a desk, your back should be against the side without without the doors and windows. Plane Bagua Mirror can either collect or reflect, and it depends. Both places are great. Great view you got there! Underneath these lights are nights stands that have mirrored top, front, and sides. My step father used to tell my mother so many times that I filled with the divine faith and intentions. Apologies! Since it is so narrow in height it should be hanged horizontally very low so i can see my image. With a mirror facing those rooms, those negative Qi have a chance to grow and disperse to other places within the house. Now, the following factors should be considered before sleeping in front of a mirror. Is it ok? If I were you, I would keep those mirrors because they make you feel better! Any other advice on how to deflect the negativity would be very much appreciated. I keep both doors closed virtually all the time, and the mirror facing my bedroom door is at least five feet across from the door. Hi Caitlin, It is not bad Feng Shui if the mirror doesnt face your bed, and if you are not bothered by the mirror when you enter your bedroom and bathroom. I love it there for design purposes and use for checking appearance. Hi Victor, Is it bad if the bathroom door (fr. I can not find any info about it, therefore is it a hoax or should I look into it? Hope you can answer my question. Good luck with your neighbors! Now both mirrors reflecting towards east and we have a staircase plus main door from East direction. Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! In Feng Shui, mirrors can bring expanding positive energy and light into a space, creating harmony and balance. I have odd shape pieces that are mirror.. Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. As for theliving room Feng Shui, the information I got was mixed. -Victor, Hi Christine, As long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect the kitchen stove, you are good. -Victor, There is a small dining wall adjacent to the patio for an open layout. Would that be ok? hi vi have a mirror facing my car in the garage, is it safe? Sprinkled salt in the corners of the house will purify it. hi victor! He passed away 12/07/20. My concerns is that it faces the drains not my husband does not always place the cover back down. Better not to have mirror facing mirror. I have a full size mirror (78 cm x 110 cm) that I have placed right opposite the Easel (on the middle of the North wall), reflecting my Painting. Let us look at both sides carefully with emphasis on the factors surrounding their answers. Most of us can understand that our homes affect our wellbeing in many ways, so its helpful to learn how to make subtle shifts to create spaces that support us. Also, youre awesome! This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. Remove only if you feel uncomfortable or grew tired of it. Personally, I wouldnt put a mirror in the living room because its distracting. Yellow Moon Spiritual Meaning: Why is the Moon Yellow? Whats your thoughts? Also, if its a shop (and not a place of residence), youre also in good shape. Hi Victor. If you have a talisman in your room, ensure that the mirror does not reflect it as well. These perspectives are those of humans who inspect the mirror's outer shiny surface, and those of spirits, who operate from the realm behind or inside the mirror. Would you have any advice on this? Hi TCE, Yes, this is fine. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. However, according to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi and many other masters, its best to use a Bagua mirror only when its recommended by a professional. And, if you usually eat in the kitchen, what does that mean for mirrors in in kitchens? It may take the rest of my life to completely heal from his traumatic problems he cast upon me. It will remind you of the mistakes in your past, and make you feel guilty and responsible for them. is reflecting something you want less of. Hi Victor, Your articles are very helpful! Some say that if a mirror is placed on the wall behind the sofa, thesense of security is lost. -Victor, Can you having two mirrors in the living room? Therefore, it is advisable to keep your room free of mirrors. Its reflection is up-side down. The mirror facing my bedroom door is grounded by a small, handcrafted console my Mother made for me and on it are a pair of candles and symbols of unity, as it is located in the relationship sector of my bedroom. If you want, you can also move it to the staircase if you want. However, there are some situations that may also be happening in tandem that may cause you to relocate a mirror (that has nothing to do with the mirror facing the interior door). Moreover, don't ever place a mirror near the study table . The large chunk of the broken mirror can be used to ward off bad luck during the full moon. What should I do, Hi Carlie, Your mirror is in a good place, unless you have a better place for it. Reflecting trees are great! Even when you sleep, sleeping in front of a mirror will lead to nightmares. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Any obstructions in between would mean that the mirror is not facing the front door. And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? Although the dining room is most suitable for mirrors, where to place them needs a little attention as the mirror can bring anything from the outside into the house. Subscribe FREE for more Feng Shui Tips https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUnXlurpGR7elK-aS4ynbkg?sub_confirmation=1Check out the detailed guide bel. Brass Mirrors were to hang above idols in China. Many people believe that a situation of 2 mirrors or more facing each other creates an invisible portal or dimension for spirits or unknown entities. This means you'll have unwanted beings and spirits in your house. If the bagua mirror is the answer, should it be convex or flat? Living alone my kitchen and living room serve as dining room according to my mood. So this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between. -Victor. When you Dream About Someone are They Thinking of You? The mirror is not going to make or break the balance. These Forms can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others. My other option is two rectangular mirror hung about 4 inches apart. So I researched what it was and what happened. A mirror facing the bedroom door, or any door, risks deflecting the positive flow of chi right back out of the room. Second, I am wanting to place a Feng Shui mirror in the front of my home to protect and reflect bad energy from neighbors projecting such. Real estate agents? What was your experience with mirrors at home or at another persons home? My point is that Feng Shui needs to be thought through a bit according to what it means, and according to how you actually utilize the room, and not used like some magic trick. Its great to have it in your dining room! Even if you place it to reflect a scenery outside your window, that view can only be seen from a certain angle in the living room. This means that placing a mirror facing the door can dispel energy away from home. My house is in the End Lot, the community has installed a Mirror to see the car turning to left or right. Fr. It is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will attract ghosts. If my front door faces directly towards the back door should I place a mirror in the path? Also its helpful to recognize if you have your own fears based on what youve read. Pass the mirror (s) over the flame of the candle and through the smoke of the incense and say: "I infuse this mirror with the flaming fire . However, they can create a spiritual reaction, which might disrupt a lot of things around you. The most common place for Bagua mirrors is right above the front door. The mirrors are not facing each other. So strange. If you can offer any help, I would appreciate it. Mirrors are hung on the wall or placed inside the closets with sliding doors to be used when needed. Apparently, these neighbors have done this with their prior home construction and continue to get away with such things. Hi Im planning to place rectangle mirror in dining room (north wall) . I could not see his face but I could see his breath like you see in the freezing cold. At funerals corpses are positioned so their head is facing north. I would like to place a vertical mirror on the facing wall where you enter the hallway from the family room. In other schools like BTB, and in my practice, mirrors are used to expand the space . For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldnt face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways. Hi Victor, This is an interesting article for anyone who believe in fengshui. Lots of lovely light comes in, but I have to put my largest mirror directly across the room from it. For instance, the mirror should not face the bed in the bedroom, and the mirror should not directly face the front door in the foyer area. I have purchased the convex bagua but is thinking of getting the simple plat one too. Does it still count? Hi Victor, I have an L shape stairs, i hang my rectangular mirror facing the first part of the stairs just before the end of the stairs, i love seeing my reflection into the mirror while going down, the location of my mirror would be ok? The classical schools tend to recommend against a mirror facing the front door do so because for them, the reflection of a mirror reflects energy back. Do you have any suggestions? Feng Shui, the Asian art of arranging a home for optimal flow of positive energy, has a lot to say about mirrors. So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. Some people even claimed to have seen spirits walk into their bedroom through the mirror. They have similitude with smoke. Sabrina here great informative article ! Is it okay to put a mirror opposite a pantry cabinet and a refrigerator? All of them bring energies in the form of light and heat. Each of them have different rules and uses. One of the things we look at in feng shui is doors. Mirrors can be of any height. Will those push good luck and energy away from home? Is it permissible to hang a mirror on a wall at top of stairs facing stairs placed at eye level?? -Victor, Thanks Victor, I got your explanation. Therefore in feng shui, doors are the portals that control energy and how it flows through your home, from room to room, and from outside the home to inside. However, without light to reflect in the . It disrupts the tranquillity needed in a bedroom for better sleep . However, others are concerned about the mirror amplifying the energy brought by the guests, especially those with negative energies. As north is the center of Lord Kubera- God of Wealth, it is important to keep this direction energetic and positive. Thank you so much. We have flower plants near the garage wall of neighbor. Firstly, is there any connection between mirrors in the bedroom and spirits? thanks, Hi Mishi, If that door is not frequently used, theres really no need. hi I have a small living and dining room combined. Hi Latchforda, Yes, that is fine. I dont know much about mirrors and the spiritual world. So, if youve ever wondered if it is ever OK to have a mirror facing a door in feng shui, youve come to the right place! -Victor. The option that were looking at is to move the mirror at the opposite wall however space is not enough to put it since theres a light switch on the other side. In those situations, you can insert amirror at the landing area because it can help widen the staircase. The idea is that the energy from the restroom can go all the way down from the stairs. Is it okay to place a standing mirror opposite the stairs landing in the basement? Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Perhaps others have that kind of experience. Is this okay if the bed is between the wall with the dresser and the "window wall"?". i have a small place. Hi Wei, Yes, that placement is fine because its not facing directly to stove. Will this be ok ? Interesting article. If your entryway is directly across from a window or other natural light source, a mirror can enhance that light and make your entryway feel more expansive. -Victor. 3. It seems to me that hanging a large mirror in the dining room may be unlucky for those people who almost never eat in the dining room, if the idea is that the reflection of plenty of food responds to plenty of money. Is this ok? Even without the light source, mirrors create the illusion of space. Hi Michelle, Seems odd but shouldnt be a problem. I dont think that mirror facing the desk will actually double your workload. In this article, our focus will be on mirrors in the bedroom, and the spiritual meaning surrounding them. No other place for it. This was my ex-boyfriend that was very mean and had many demands in his head. This only applies when you cant place your desk in the command position (similar to thebeds command position). and what objects you erect to gather those Qi. See also: Best direction to sit in office. Now, light the white candle and the incense. Nothing to worry! Is it advisable to place the hse TV right infront of the entrance door? Thekitchen has negative Feng Shui energies, and that is the main reason why Feng Shui doesnt like mirrors in the kitchen. Thank you for your quick response Victor. Is that ok? It is said that mirrors will invite spirits into the lives of people whenever it is placed in the wrong place. 1. Therefore, if you have a mirror in your room, it is best to keep them covered at night. Hi Christie, Ideally, the mirror shouldnt face the front door. Mirrors are an excellent way to bring light into your home. Furthermore, it depends on the reflection in the mirror. This was a very interesting read! We have a kitchen with glass door / partitioned and our dining area is adjacent and outside of kitchen. Reflecting good views from the outside is actually quite nice. Therefore, read on to find out more about this interesting subject. As for fish, heres the article: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/how-to-feng-shui-fish-for-abundance-factors-to-consider/ -Victor. The front door allows access to you, your guests, and according to superstition good luck and evil spirits. I plan to hang the mirror right next to the front entryway. Your wisdom is very much appreciated. In one of my bathrooms, the vanity mirror facing the door, so when you open the door you see the mirror and the vanity, is this a bad placement for it? Hi Terence, Your placement is ok. Not good or bad. The same was said for mirror placed on the wall behind the bed. Your personal data will be used to manage your access to your account. Can we place a large rectangular mirror in a home gym room wall in the basement? A large plant would do the job. However,this is NOT recommended ifthere are anysort of bad Forms outside the window because the mirror can bring in those negative energies inside. Any ideas? Some people like placing a mirror close to the front door or foyer for convenience. Its very valuable. -Victor. Unexplained smells: Fragrances that are not associated to anything in your home or a foul smelling odor- this is usually from a negative presence. This will also lead to sleeplessness. But I know our family isnt perfect. Both inside and outside are great places for plants. Some like it, and some dont. of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may . The mirror is facing my house. I would like to put up a Bagua mirror. -Victor. Plane mirror should not be used in doors. The desk is right near the west wall and its mainly a place for my paints and other accessories, and then right next to it (on the middle of the south wall) is my Easel and its the main area I work. -Victor. This is the only place large enough to do it when not practicing @ the beach. -Victor. -Victor. 3.) As of today I havent gotten over all the things he did and said to me. Also, I googled and googled >>> there is something about window/door positioning plus colour according to your Birthday. I find it obstructing the door space when visitor coming in or doing cleaning with all the wires behind the front door and curtain. 2 doors, one on west side and another north facing door in the same room. Hi Jazz, It depends on how far and how big the mirror is. Another one I placed on the outside of my bedroom door. Cries/Whispers/Voices: Hearing soft chatter, cries, whispers or even music from . Hi Christine, Yes, hanging a mirror there is fine because it doesnt directly face the mirror front. Hi Joan, If it causes inconvenience and nuance, then its definitely not the right place. However, some Feng Shui practitioners believe that two mirrors facing each other, especially when placed directly across from each other, can cause a reflection that cancels the helpful energy, creating a sense of instability. Ill try to keep this short: I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. And, no worries if it faces the drains. Do not hang a mirror that: Most importantly, not everything in your home is a feng shui object. The saying goes that you should get out on the same side you got in or it'll be a bad day. Its actually good to have your mirror catching the dining table. Please advise. This applies to all kinds of stoves, such as those powered by natural gas or by electricity. The only clues I have been told is that when I get where ever Im suppose to go Ill know them and they will know me. It only pushes luck and energy away when the mirror is affecting your rest (and therefore, your mentality and emotions). the moment i open our screen door i get to see myself and i feel happy. I have it tilted slightly so it not reflecting out. Whenever you want to sleep in front of a mirror, ensure that the mirror does not reflect the picture of a deceased person, too much light, or a dark object. My windows have blinds. It is NOT used to reflect human Qi. There is a difference between the two. I fixed 2 very big mirrors on South Wall which cannot be changed due to space issues and fixture already done. A small dining wall adjacent to the front door mirrors can bring a third to! Can also move it anywhere else I were you, I have no job because I have lower back but... Two rectangular mirror hung about 4 inches apart like this site room Shui... 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mirrors facing doors spirits